Benerdi - Melengkan is a culturalspeech delivered in a wedding ceremony. It is delivered by a man called reje, as the part of sarak opat (four boards in the Gayonese society: reje, petue, imem, rayat genap mupakat) that reflect the Gayonese society. Usually reje from one side delivers a speech and then the other reje from the other side replies the speech. In a marriage ceremony, melengkan is delivered in several occasions, starting from mujule mas/turun caram (giving the dowry or bride’s requests), berguru (giving advice to the bride), and munerime rempelé (handing over the groom from reje of groom side to reje from bride side).
There are slight differences of who the speakers are among those melengkan. In mujule mas, the first speaker is reje from groom side. After he delivers the speech, reje from bride will reply it. Meanwhile, in berguru, the first speaker is the bride’s father or uncle. Then reje will reply it. In munerime rempele, the first speaker is reje from groom side and then reje from bride side will reply it. In this case, some sentences delivered in melengkan are proverbs. It contains a lot of figurative language.
They can be found in several melengkans, starting from melengkan in mujule mas/turun caram (giving the dowry from groom side to bride side), berguru (giving advice to the bride), and munyerah rempele (handing over the groom from reje of groom to the reje of bride).
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