Didong | bandatourism.blogspot.com

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Benerdi - Didong is a traditional song sung by four, six or fourty men called ceh and followed by clapping hands. There are two kinds of didong, didong biasa and didong jalu. Didong biasa consists of one team. Ceh sings the lyrics and a group of men clap their hands appropriately to the intonation of the song. Meanwhile didong jalu consists of two teams. They make allusion each other. It can be going on during a whole night. There is also a difference in lyrics of those two didong. In didong biasa, the lyrics contain pieces of advice, while in didong jalu, the lyrics contain mainly allusion, although some pieces of advice may be delivered.

(composed by Tgk. Anwar)
Ike pané ōwén becerak
Até halayak sabé wa mudemu
Ke gere pané ōwén becerak
Jema gere galak orop munungkuken ulu

Ike lemut ōwén betōtōr
Edum siatōr laing mutentu
Ike sediken kasar ōwén betōtōr
Gere terukur lemut urum naru

Ike erōh kaō mungengkun
Enguk kin tirun sawah ku kumpu
Ike gere erōh ōwén mungengkun
Belōh ari tamōn munaringen sebuku

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