Angklung : Traditional Musical Instrument | bandatourism

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As certification of angklung as the 4th world’s Intangible Cultural Heritage from Indonesia, Pameran Purwa Angklung Indonesia dedicated to introduce the treasure of angklung’s rich culture to the world. It’s main aims are to expand the knowledge about the history, development, function of angklung primarily to engage with an international and national audience. 
The word Angklung originated from two words angka and lung. Angka means tone, and lung means broken or lost. Angklung then means as an incomplete tone (Soepandi and Atmadibrata, 1977;12). Made of bamboo an ancient plant which has provided various benefits for human beings, Angklung has become a symbol Indonesia’s unique culture, especially in Wast java (sunda).

The Angklung is also one the primary art resources which plays a significant role in ritual ceremonies, association, entertainment, and performances which show the valuable way of life. The Angklung philosophy which is known as 5M- Mudah (easy), Meriah (Cheerful), Menarik(Interesting), Mendidik (Educative), and Massal (Massive) has made angklung more popular across the world today.

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